
Test,create,andauthenticateAPIcallsanddebugresponses.SharingDebugger.Previewhowyourcontentwilllookwhenit'ssharedtoFacebook.AccessToken ...,IcreatedanAppinmyFacebookaccount,completetheBasictab,selectedWebsiteatPlatformandactivate.Thenaftercreateapost,linkgoestoSharing ...,2024年3月11日—Inthisguide,learnhowtousetheFacebookDeveloperSharingDebuggerTooltopreviewhowawebsitelookswhensharedonFacebook....

Developer Tools

Test, create, and authenticate API calls and debug responses. Sharing Debugger. Preview how your content will look when it's shared to Facebook. Access Token ...

facebook share debugger not working

I created an App in my Facebook account, complete the Basic tab, selected Website at Platform and activate. Then after create a post, link goes to Sharing ...

How to Use the Facebook Sharing Debugger Tool

2024年3月11日 — In this guide, learn how to use the Facebook Developer Sharing Debugger Tool to preview how a website looks when shared on Facebook.

Sharing Debugger

Here's the general guidance: For Meta tag try debugging with the Sharing Debugger (https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/):. Common reasons for a ...

Sharing Debugger - Facebook For Developers

The summary provides debugging information about scraping a URL, including warnings, missing properties, the last scrape time and response code, ...

Sharing Debugger - Meta for Developers

Sharing Debugger lets you preview how your content will look when it's shared to Facebook and debug any issues with your Open Graph tags.

Webmasters - Sharing - Meta for Developers

A Guide to Sharing for Webmasters. This document describes how you optimize web-hosted content that people share to Facebook, regardless of whether it's ...


分享偵錯工具可讓你預覽內容分享到Facebook 後的呈現方式,以及偵測開放社交關係圖標籤的任何問題。 登入Facebook 即可使用此工具。


分享除錯工具可讓你預覽內容分享到Facebook 後的呈現方式,以及偵測開放式圖表標籤的任何問題。 登入Facebook 即可使用此工具。